We want to try and answer questions you might have for us on our Blog. We love working with our clients closely and understanding what it is they are after in their portrait session. It's never safe to assume, because you have seen it done, that your photographer will be able to duplicate it. For first time clients it is a high priority to have you visit our studio. It gives us the opportunity to meet you and become aware of what it is your looking for in a portrait session so that we can take care of your needs.
When you begin your shopping plans for your portrait session, keep these few things in mind:
1). Long sleeve solids always work best! Dark pants are more flattering than light pants. Stay away from wearing trendy logos. Families should dress in the same color "tone", not everyone has to be wearing exactly the same color, but keep the tones similar.
2). Ladies, make up should be applied a little heavier than normal for photographs and men
make sure you are freshly shaved.
3). No need to worry about blemishes or scars, we take care of those for you!
4). Lint rollers and hairspray are ALWAYS good ideas!
5). Be prepared to have an AMAZING experience!
The first step is to give us a call to schedule your portrait session. All of our sessions are booked by reservation. This means that you pay a deposit at the time you book your appointment. The session deposit covers the time and talent of the photographer in creating your portraits and the remaining is applied to your order.
During this phone call, we will also book your ordering session. This will take place approximately one week from your session date. During your ordering session you'll purchase the portraits you'll need for your home, your friends, and any special occasions that might be upcoming. Our ordering sessions are completely proof-less and are done by digital projection on our large screen! It is an awesome way to experience your portraits. If you have ordered our wall portraits, this is the time to choose your frames. M&R Gallery specializes in finished fine art pieces that are ready to go on your wall. A wide selection of frames are available to choose from.
Your homework between the date of your portrait session and the date of your ordering session is to make a list of the people who will need images larger than wallets. These include grandparents, aunts/uncles, step-parents, siblings, and longtime family friends. We will also need you to measure the wall that your wall portrait will be displayed in your home.
Studio policy requires us to say that you will receive your portraits within 6-8 weeks of your ordering session. However, we do our best to get portraits delivered ahead of schedule.
Fall time is our busiest season! If you're looking to book a portrait session in October or November, PLEASE CALL NOW! Our schedule book is filling up FAST!
We love capturing your life and portraying it as fine art in your home.
Call 435-986-8272 and we'll visit about your portrait needs!